Family Law Litigation

The attorneys of Ruttenberg Dickerson have provided legal counsel to individuals requiring family law litigation in Virginia for more than 40 years. Here is a brief overview of how our master litigation team can assist you.

What to Expect

As intimidating and challenging as family law litigation can be for some clients, it is sometimes the only option that makes sense. Litigation may be necessary to secure your rights and resolve a variety of domestic situations, such as custody, visitation, child support, spousal support and property division. Sometimes the other side is obstinate in how they want matters resolved. Our litigators know how to break through that wall.

Our Approach

SmolenPlevy has represented clients before all local, state and federal courts in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. We have advanced clients’ causes from the early discovery phase of a case all the way to the highest state appellate court. We have served as counsel on a number of cases that established legal precedent. If we determine that litigation is the best strategy for you, rest assured that we will put the full weight of our experience and expertise into pursuing your case in court.

Next Steps

The backbone of any successful negotiation is our reputation and the ability and knowledge that we will have your position expertly presented to a court when necessary. Schedule a consultation with SmolenPlevy’s family law attorneys Alan Plevy and Kathryn Dickerson to explore whether litigation is the best strategy to seek resolution of your family law matter.

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