
The law firm of Ruttenberg Dickerson has provided legal counsel to individuals seeking separation, annulment, or divorce in Virginia for more than 40 years. Here is a brief overview of how divorce attorneys Ruttenberg Dickerson can assist you.

What to Expect

Divorce often creates challenging circumstances for everyone involved. It can be difficult to balance emotional ups and downs with the legal side of marital dissolution, such as division of property, alimony, and—if there are children—custody and child support. So, as you work with SmolenPlevy on the legal issues, we encourage you to ask questions and communicate openly with us about your situation.

Our Approach

Our number one priority at SmolenPlevy is representing you skillfully to ensure that your rights are protected and your interests are pursued. We are adept at aiding our clients in resolving dissolution matters without litigation. If a favorable divorce agreement cannot be reached, however, we aggressively pursue resolution in court. We know you are depending upon our deep expertise to help you navigate this complicated area of the law, and we strive to resolve these issues in a practical manner that is sensitive to your circumstances.

Next Steps

Alan Plevy and Kathryn Dickerson divorce lawyers in our Fairfax, VA office, will provide an initial consultation about the divorce laws. If you are considering divorce but have not reached a decision on whether to pursue one, they will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and help you understand your options. If you have decided to either pursue or contest a divorce, they will work closely, collaboratively and confidentially with you to pursue solutions that fit your and your family’s needs.

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