Child Custody and Visitation

The attorneys of Ruttenberg Dickerson have provided legal counsel to individuals with child custody and visitation matters in Virginia for more than 40 years. Here is a brief overview of how child visitation and custody attorneys here at Ruttenberg Dickerson can assist you.

What to Expect

Child custody and visitation in Virginia can involve parents, grandparents, social workers, judges, or guardians ad litem. Issues that often arise in such cases include:

  • Decision-making authority regarding the child
  • DNA paternity testing
  • Interstate and international matters
  • Third-party custody and visitation
  • Schooling
  • Relocation

Our Approach

We understand the importance of the relationship between you and your children. Our guiding principle in child custody matters: Do what is in the best interests of the child while pursuing your goals. We help you determine what that means in your situation, and assist you in pursuing a positive outcome.

Next Steps

Alan Plevy and Kathryn Dickerson have years of experience dealing with child visitation and custody matters. We invite you to schedule a consultation soon with our child custody lawyers in Virginia.

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